Thursday 22 August 2013

Facebooking your Life

I always wonder what pleasure does it provide people in letting others know where they are dining with their beloved ones, where they are shopping for the summer and why they tag a friend in a status when he or she is sitting right beside them the whole time. Facebook does it to you ladies and gentleman. Facebook, a social network where people post about their problems, their love for their husband/wife and love for their non-facebooking parents. It is strange that all of us are deeply lost in posting about our likes and dislikes over social networks like Facebook, Twitter and other such social networking websites. What has resulted this situation? according to me, I think its the lack of communication with loved ones and our friends. Before we indulged ourselves into these websites, we used to rejoice going to a fun place with our family, with our friends and talk with our best friends about a new experience. Now, we have subjected ourselves to talking to our friends via Twitter and Facebook only. The importance of meeting up with our friends is only highlighted when we meet up at a restaurant. Even during that event, we spend our time taking pics the whole time cause it will make a cool album on Facebook or a perfect DP. I sometimes, don't even enjoy conversations with my friends cause all they have to tell me is that someone posted a pic of their chacha ki beti ki marriage pic and the groom didn't look good enough with the bride in the pictures. Amusingly, the pictures are supposed to have "privacy settings" for the friends and family but my friends somehow dig out pics to satisfy their officious desires.

I wish the old times come back, when we used to visit our friends place just to rant about our siblings, our teachers and sometimes our parents too. Those old times when we enjoyed talking to each other about ourselves, not about what others were doing in their life. Times when a conversation with our best friends was the most fun and blessed thing to happen to us in comparison to the happiness we now get in receiving a hundred likes over a pic. Someone was right when they said," Old is Gold".


  1. Facebook or any social network site can be a monster. Lost contact with three of my very good friends due to a fight on Facebook.

    By the way, surprise. Saw you had a blog and thought if any blog merits being read, this one has to be it.

    1. oh boi. that's sad.

      and thank you so much for appreciating! =)
