Sunday 26 October 2014


Ive given up on my habit of ranting here. its a sad fact I guess. but I hate that the letter after a fullstop doesnt capitalize itself here. just like this 'j' of 'just' didnt capitalize. so anyways... I still have a really really bad habit of excessive use of articles in my sentences. one of my teachers pointed this out when I was in my second year that I need to cut down on the dosage of articles use in my sentences. SHIT. i just recalled he hated the use of 'medical jargon' in my sentences too. I just used 'dosage' HAHAHA. I cant believe it. that was so not intentional. it just... happened. this is funny. do you guys ever feel like an exact same feeling or scene from your past life gets played in the same mode, same place and exact same manner in your present life? I feel that so much. I sometimes spend a whole day recalling where did I hear this before by this exact same person. feels so weird.

and you thought I had decided not to rant here. hehehe. you fools.

wow. mind blown.

All of me loves all of you. love your curves and all your edges. all your perfect imperfections.

how is this a love song? this is seriously messed up. At first he's all lovey dovey f  ryou but in the very second line, he has the nerve to call you, his very own precious cuddly bae, FAT (curves and edges??) . Like dudeee stahp. are you kidding me? how can you just call me fat after telling me you love me? is this how you treat your lover? okay if I ignore this for being this person's first mistake (which Im sure was deliberate), he then goes on to calling you Perfect and Imperfect at the same time. what is this confusing shit? whose emotion is he trying to toy with, eh? after being 'oh Im so in love with you', he's like 'wait you are perfect but you are not PERFECT perfect, okay?'.  sheesh. This is so not cool. I protest.