Saturday, 26 February 2011

Piled up with Work

The moment I think of writing something for my very own blog page, I am entangled in some work. These days, I am busy watching cricket matches as well so I have all my prayers for Pakistan. I really hope that they win the world cup this time. Most of us have lost hope in our team because of the mishaps and bad incidents happened in the past to our players. Some of them are definitely to be blamed for putting a bruise on the prestige of our country but nonetheless I am cheering for them again, keeping my fingers crossed so that something good happens. I hope they do not let us down this time, even if they don't win, they lose with some dignity in their hands keeping their heads high.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Some Thoughts

I had planned to start my blog on my birthday but somehow or the other I was unable to do so. Nevertheless, this would not stop my desire to keep writing, not for anyone else but for myself. I will keep saying or utilizing the ink of my pen just to make myself happy. This keeps me reminded of the past and all those years I have spent as a student of Literature. I don’t want to put to waste my knowledge or techniques that were being taught at the department. I am sure no one is interested in reading what I have to say about myself and my silly ramblings holds no value for others, but that does not hamper my passion to put my brain to some work and that is for my own betterment. I have never had the confidence to write for the public but a few days back I had an opportunity to write for a company and that has infused in me some great self-reliability and confidence on my art. Even if I got stuck during the process of writing, I was able to help myself out of that situation with some help from my Content Head. This is how I have learnt to improve, proceed and gain strong hold of my confidence. I would surely like to improve my vocabulary as one cannot add up words to their dictionary by sitting and thinking in one’s mind and not produce it on a paper. That reminds me of the horrible virus that has taken over the whole publication markets these days. The value of hard copy material has seriously received a blow with the advancement of internet libraries and search engines. People tend to use this instructional material, which is the computer, in every walk of their lives. I wonder if there’ll be a time when people would have forgotten about how to write when provided with a pen and paper. Most importantly, and for the reason I am raising this issue here, is the lack of hard copy dictionary usage. Students find it really difficult to search for a word in a dictionary as they go to and voila! the words with their meanings, synonyms and antonyms are there in front of them within seconds. Digital dictionaries also play an imperative role in this great decline of the “book dictionary culture”. It serves as an accomplice in the conspiracy against the book-form dictionary and thus its decline has taken its toll now-a-days. This sums up the first ever blog post I wanted to write for my very own page. I will try to keep my page updated with some more interesting stuff that goes around in my life.